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Getting rid of preconceived Ideas through the Keys to sustainable Urban Planning

Levers for the ecological transition in the light of the pandemic


70% of what impacts a population's health can be influenced by urban development policy. Healthy urban planning is about more than simply "building a living environment that offers protection against diseases". This approach, which is much more global, involves a wide range of issues and may be accompanied by a[…]  Plus de détails

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Auteurs ADEME
Public(s) Collectivités territoriales
Thématique Urbanisme et bâtiment
Collection Clés pour Agir
Date d'édition 2022/05
Nb. de pages 35 P + 92 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

70% of what impacts a population's health can be influenced by urban development policy. Healthy urban planning is about more than simply "building a living environment that offers protection against diseases". This approach, which is much more global, involves a wide range of issues and may be accompanied by a whole range of tools. Active design, transitional urban planning, citizen co-construction and inclusive design are some of the many levers that positively influence people's health. While links between urban planning and health always existed, their interdependence has been looked at in depth since the start of the pandemic back. As far as density, inequality, mobility, food, the presence of nature in urban areas and pollution, the pandemic has catalysed discussion and above all has shed light on existing health issues. These questions shed light on many preconceived ideas about the relationship between health and urban planning. This work attempts to provide some answers and areas for reflection. It is aimed primarily at elected representatives and the technical departments of local authorities, as well as professionals working in urban development.

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