Batteries and accumulators - data 2021 Agrandir l'image

Batteries and accumulators - data 2021

Annual report of the sector


1,711 million batteries and accumulators of all types were placed on the market in 2021, representing 312,992 tonnes placed on the market in 2021. Regarding portable batteries, the regulatory national collection rate was 43,5% in 2021 (an increase of more than 2 points compared to 2020). The collection rate accounting[…]

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Auteurs BERTHOUX Béatriz, REINSTADLER Anne-Claire, ARTIGUE Déborah, SOULARD Marion, In Extenso Innovation Croissance, ADEME
Public(s) Bureaux d'études
Entreprises et fédérations professionnelles
Collectivités territoriales
Thématique Déchets/Economie circulaire
Collection Faits et Chiffres
Date d'édition 2022/10
Nb. de pages 58 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

1,711 million batteries and accumulators of all types were placed on the market in 2021, representing 312,992 tonnes placed on the market in 2021. Regarding portable batteries, the regulatory national collection rate was 43,5% in 2021 (an increase of more than 2 points compared to 2020). The collection rate accounting for the flow of portable lead batteries collected and processed at the sector level reached 56.79% in 2021.

This report provides an overview of the Batteries and Accumulators sector in France in 2021 on the basis of information collected via SYDEREP website (EPR sector reporting system) supplemented by data from sector stakeholders. In 2001, ADEME began monitoring the Batteries and Accumulators sector by creating the Observatory of Batteries and Accumulators. Following the transposition into French law, on 22 September 2009, of European Directive 2006/66/EC on Batteries and Accumulators, the National register of Battery and Accumulator (BA) producers was created in 2010.

The purpose of the BA Register is to identify French producers and collect annual declarations from producers and recyclers: French regulations require them to report annually to the Register the quantities of batteries and accumulators placed on the market, collected and recycled. Based on the analysis of these data, ADEME publishes an annual report allowing the monitoring of the batteries and accumulators sector in France and the calculation of collection and recycling rates.

SYDEREP (Declarative System for Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes) brings together all the Registers and Observatories of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes for Home Improvement and Gardening Goods, Sporting and Recreational Goods, Chemical products, Medical Sharps of Homecare Patients, Furnishing Elements, Household Packaging, Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Lubricants, Toys, Unused Medicines, Graphic Papers, Batteries and Accumulators, Tyres, Tobacco Products, Building Construction Products and Materials, Appareal, Household Linen and Footwear, and Vehicules. Find more information and all publications related to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes by visiting ADEME's website under the ERP schemes section.

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