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Recycling of coating and adhesion products



Chemical products are subject to an extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme since 2012. Significant quantities of coating and adhesion products such as adhesives, paints, polyurethane foams, varnishes, and coatings are placed on the market. Today, a large proportion of used products from this sector is not recycled but incinerated -[…]  Plus de détails

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Public(s) Entreprises et fédérations professionnelles
Secteur de la recherche
Administration publique
Thématique Recherche et Innovation
Economie circulaire et Déchets
Industrie et production durable
Agriculture, alimentation, forêt, bioéconomie
Collection Expertise
Date d'édition 2022/09
Nb. de pages 126 P ; 23 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

Chemical products are subject to an extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme since 2012. Significant quantities of coating and adhesion products such as adhesives, paints, polyurethane foams, varnishes, and coatings are placed on the market. Today, a large proportion of used products from this sector is not recycled but incinerated - with or without energy recovery. The French public authorities would like to see the EPR system for chemical products tend more to the recycling of certain products in order to promote a circular economy approach. Considering these facts, ADEME wanted to conduct an international search, particularly in other industrialised countries, for existing solutions or initiatives for recycling these products. This international review aims to provide an overview of the spectrum of potentially recyclable products and to draw up a non-exhaustive inventory of the solutions currently in place and their levels of maturity. The study identified mature recycling initiatives for water-based paints and for polyurethane foams. The recycling of solvent-based paints is technically feasible with the same type of processes as for water-based paints but is not widely practised for economic reasons. Recycling initiatives identified for other types of used coating and adhesion products (adhesives, sealants, coatings...) only concern production waste for the moment. Within the EPR scheme, this report could be used to guide and support the reflections of public authorities and stakeholders towards increasing and improving the recycling of chemical products. This work could also contribute to future experiments and the development of recycling industrial solutions that are still emerging.

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