Urban cooling solutions Agrandir l'image

Urban cooling solutions

Drawing inspiration from worldwide case studies to adress variability in current and future climates



This compendiumfeatures international successstories of urban cooling fromdevelopment projects withinsightful information onhow they are implementedin different geographical andclimatic areas of the World. It presents key and illustrativeinformation on solutions (green,blue or gray) tailored to thecurrent and future climaticconditions of each territorydescribed in the fact sheets. By providing feedback on urban[…]

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Auteurs ADEME, AFD
Public(s) Collectivités territoriales
Thématique Urbanisme, territoires et sols
Collection Ils l'ont fait
Date d'édition 2021/10
Référence Ademe 011602
EAN format numérique 9791029718649
Nb. de pages 57 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue FR
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

This compendiumfeatures international successstories of urban cooling fromdevelopment projects withinsightful information onhow they are implementedin different geographical andclimatic areas of the World. It presents key and illustrativeinformation on solutions (green,blue or gray) tailored to thecurrent and future climaticconditions of each territorydescribed in the fact sheets. By providing feedback on urban development projectsimplemented at variousspatial scales - from thebuilding to the city - andtemporal scales from short tolong term, this compendiumgives city designers anddevelopers valuable insightsinto how urban coolingsolutions can be rolled outfrom one climate type toanother, and equally enables them to reflect on how toadapt their territory to theeffects of climate change.

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