ADEME International newsletter n° 60 Mars 2022 Agrandir l'image

ADEME International newsletter n° 60 Mars 2022

Supporting climatic resilience strategies



For many years, ADEME has been actively supporting French territories with their climatic organisational, mitigation and resilience strategies, their integration in the circular economy and their efforts to reduce their energy consumption. The agency has provided them with a number of tools utilising specific labels and referentials. The aim[…]

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Auteurs ADEME
Public(s) Collectivités territoriales
Thématique Changement climatique
Urbanisme, territoires et sols
Collection Hors collection
Éditeur(s) ADEME
Date d'édition 2022/03
Référence Ademe 011820
ISSN Web 2777-9025
EAN format numérique 9791029719677
Nb. de pages 4 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

For many years, ADEME has been actively supporting French territories with their climatic organisational, mitigation and resilience strategies, their integration in the circular economy and their efforts to reduce their energy consumption. The agency has provided them with a number of tools utilising specific labels and referentials. The aim is to help the territories better understand and engage with these issues and develop the necessary innovative solutions to tackle them. ADEME also provides the same type of support on both European and international scales, as part of its geographic area of response and multilateral partnerships. You will find in the following letter more information on our involvement with the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, whose remit since COP21 has been to mobilise all key players in the sector to improve its resilience by 2050. ADEME is also committed to honouring the various projects and initiatives that highlight local innovative approaches in the Mediterranean region through its dedicated mitigation trophies, the Mediterranean climate change adaptation awards. These actions help the Agency share its expertise more effectively and structure a global response to the challenges posed by climate change. In this edition:

  • EDITORIAL / "Supporting a global response to major climate challenges." Philippe Masset, Europe and International Director at ADEME;
  • FOCUS / Increasing resilience in the building sector;
  • EXPERTISE / Increasing resilience in French territories;
  • WORLDWIDE / Climate change: Algerian adaptation is rewarded.

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