Export Catalogue 2023 Club ADEME International Agrandir l'image

Export Catalogue 2023 Club ADEME International

Technologies and services of french eco-companies.



Founded in 1997 at the initiative of ADEME and sponsored by the French government ministries for Ecology, Industry and Foreign Trade, Club ADEME International brigs together over one hundred innovative French companies that are present in the world sustainable development market. Piloted by ADEME, this network of environmental business accompanies[…]

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Auteurs ADEME
Public(s) Bureaux d'études
Entreprises et fédérations professionnelles
Thématique Industrie et production durable
Collection Hors collection
Date d'édition 2023/04
Référence Ademe 012114
EAN format numérique 9791029721243
Nb. de pages 152 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication International

En savoir plus

Founded in 1997 at the initiative of ADEME and sponsored by the French government ministries for Ecology, Industry and Foreign Trade, Club ADEME International brigs together over one hundred innovative French companies that are present in the world sustainable development market. Piloted by ADEME, this network of environmental business accompanies its members as they develop innovative international projects and partnerships dedicated to protecting the environment and mastering energy consumption. Club ADEME International, in liaison with ADEME and public bodies, offers many pratical servicesbusiness intelligence and information products, support for innovation-that members develop their international activity.

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