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Optimising the management of residential uses of electricity


The electrical system in France has to cope with the increase in electricity consumption at peak periods. Furthermore, this consumption varies during the day, especially according- to the time and the outside temperature. To ensure the provision of electricity at any time and especially in winter, flexible electricity generation systems[…]  Plus de détails

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Auteurs ADEME
Public(s) Secteur de la recherche
Thématique Recherche et Innovation
Collection Hors collection
Éditeur(s) ADEME
Date d'édition 2014/06
Nb. de pages 2 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Thématique IA Réseaux électriques intelligents
Financement IA AAP/AMI
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

The electrical system in France has to cope with the increase in electricity consumption at peak periods. Furthermore, this consumption varies during the day, especially according- to the time and the outside temperature. To ensure the provision of electricity at any time and especially in winter, flexible electricity generation systems are required to supplement- the basic supply of nuclear or renewable origin. If, as planned by RTE (the French transmission system operator), these consumption peaks continue to increase in the years to come, significant investments will be required in new thermal power stations or in the renovation of hydroelectric power stations.