Technological buildingblocks Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) technology uses the temperature difference between warm surface water and cold water from the depths to generate electricity. It addresses the energy independence needs of insular areas having technical and economic situations with regards to energy that differ greatly from large interconnected continental areas. The MARLIN[…] Plus de détails
Fiche technique
Auteurs | ADEME |
Co-auteur(s) | DCNS |
Public(s) | Secteur de la recherche |
Thématique | Recherche et Innovation |
Collection | Hors collection |
Éditeur(s) | ADEME |
Date d'édition | 2014/10 |
Nb. de pages | 2 P |
Format | pdf/A4 |
Langue | EN |
Thématique IA | Énergies marines |
Financement IA | AAP/AMI |
Périmètre de publication | National |
En savoir plus
OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) technology uses the temperature difference between warm surface water and cold water from the depths to generate electricity. It addresses the energy independence needs of insular areas having technical and economic situations with regards to energy that differ greatly from large interconnected continental areas. The MARLIN project is an essential step in the development of a French industrial sector enabling the mass production of power plants with an installed capacity of 25 to 30 MW.