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Evaluation of the environmental footprint of internet service provisioning in France

Collective action to implement the PCR Internet Service Provision


Within the framework of article 13 of the AGEC law, ADEME has undertaken work to assess the environmental impact of Internet access provision.

January 2023 saw the publication of the second version of the PCR "Internet Service Provider (ISP)", a network-specific environmental display standard based on[…]

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Auteurs ADEME
Public(s) Bureaux d'études
Entreprises et fédérations professionnelles
Thématique Produire autrement
Changement climatique
Industrie et production durable
Collection Expertises
Date d'édition 2024/03
Nb. de pages 97 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue FR
Périmètre de publication International

En savoir plus

Within the framework of article 13 of the AGEC law, ADEME has undertaken work to assess the environmental impact of Internet access provision.

January 2023 saw the publication of the second version of the PCR "Internet Service Provider (ISP)", a network-specific environmental display standard based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology.

This study is the result of a collective action to assess the environmental impact of the network throughout France. Four ISPs are involved: Orange, Bouygues Telecom, SFR and Iliad.

The results are presented for the whole of France and per subscriber, on fixed and mobile networks, and calculated for 16 environmental indicators, including climate change, consumption of natural resources and fine particles.

Documents liés (1)