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Feedbacks and best practices on energy access projects



Since 2018, the French Renewable Energy Trade Association (SER) and the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) have been leading a working group (WG) bringing together all French stakeholders involved in access to off-grid energy. These include NGOs, businesses, donors, research laboratories, public bodies operating in the sector, coalitions of[…]

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Fiche technique

Public(s) Entreprises et fédérations professionnelles
Collectivités territoriales
Secteur de la recherche
Administration publique
Thématique Recherche et Innovation
Changement climatique
Collection Hors collection
Éditeur(s) ADEME
Date d'édition 2022/11
Référence Ademe 012076
Nb. de pages 89 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication International

En savoir plus

Since 2018, the French Renewable Energy Trade Association (SER) and the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) have been leading a working group (WG) bringing together all French stakeholders involved in access to off-grid energy. These include NGOs, businesses, donors, research laboratories, public bodies operating in the sector, coalitions of stakeholders and local authorities. Within this framework, a sub-working group was set up to share best practices and capitalize on past projects. Its activities were entrusted to Lianes cooperation and the CICLE network, with support from ADEME and SER. Between 01/07/2021 and 10/05/2022, this team organized a series of workshops for all the stakeholders operating in the field of off-grid energy access. These workshops aimed at transforming past experiences of committed stakeholders into shareable knowledge. The aim: increase the French expertise in the field of off-grid energy projects, share return of experiences to facilitate the implementation of projects and increase their sustainability. The workshops were open to members of the working group, as well as to foreign partners operating in the sector. They addressed specific themes through narrative work based on the experiences of stakeholders and collective discussions. Each of these meetings has been detailed in this document.

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