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Assessing the impact of climate change in African cities

Methodological aspects


The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) is an initiative launched by the European Union (EU) to support local governments in Sub- Saharan Africa in their fight against climate change and in their efforts in ensuring access to clean energy. Launched in 2015, this initiative is shaped by[…]

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Auteurs ASSANVO Alfred, BOUKHREISS Fatimetou, CAETANO Tara, COLOMER Clara, DESGEORGES Muriel, FALL Boubacar, FALL Ndiaga, FAYE Mame Bousso, HOUNDJO Michel, KAKPI Alassane, KERIM-DIKENI Melissa, PHILLIPS Céline, SARR Rokhaya, ADEME
Public(s) Collectivités territoriales
Thématique Changement climatique
Urbanisme, territoires et sols
Collection Clés pour Agir
Éditeur(s) COM SSA
Date d'édition 2021/09
Nb. de pages 32 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication International

En savoir plus

The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) is an initiative launched by the European Union (EU) to support local governments in Sub- Saharan Africa in their fight against climate change and in their efforts in ensuring access to clean energy. Launched in 2015, this initiative is shaped by local governments so they can debate on local contexts and characteristics. This document is the result an analysis by working parties established in the signatory cities of the Covenant, in the course of a capacity-building workshop, held in Saly, Senegal, from 3 to 6 September 2018.

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