Capitalisation on climate change adaptation practices in the Mediterranean area Agrandir l'image

Capitalisation on climate change adaptation practices in the Mediterranean area




The Mediterranean basin is one of the world's most sensitive regions to ongoing climate and global changes. While adaptation takes shape on paper and in discussions, the transition from findings to strategies, then finally to actions, is less studied. In particular, decision-makers (private and public) are interested in feedbacks concerning[…]  Plus de détails

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Auteurs ADEME
Public(s) Collectivités territoriales
Thématique Changement climatique
Urbanisme, territoires et sols
Collection Keys to action
Date d'édition 2021/07
Référence Ademe 011450-b
EAN format numérique 9791029717574
Nb. de pages 18 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication International

En savoir plus

The Mediterranean basin is one of the world's most sensitive regions to ongoing climate and global changes. While adaptation takes shape on paper and in discussions, the transition from findings to strategies, then finally to actions, is less studied. In particular, decision-makers (private and public) are interested in feedbacks concerning initiatives which contributed to adapting to climate change on different levels (research, communication, awareness-raising, training, "technical" solutions, planning, etc. governance, etc.) and territories (urban, rural, etc.) in the region. This note underlines the key messages of a study undertaken to identify and capitalize on the various existing initiatives in terms of adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean bioclimatic zone. After an initial inventory of more than a hundred actions and an in-depth analysis of twelve case studies, argued recommendations were formulated. This note completes the full report and a brochure presenting the portfolio of study-cases.

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