Greenhouse gas inventory of the tourism sector in France Agrandir l'image

Greenhouse gas inventory of the tourism sector in France



With 89.3 million international visitors in 2018, France is the world's leading tourist destination. Tourism is a major lever for the country's economy, accounting for 7.4% of GDP in 2018. As a major industry, tourism aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and play a role in influencing the ecological[…]

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  • Format électronique

Fiche technique

Public(s) Entreprises et fédérations professionnelles
Collectivités territoriales
Thématique Changement climatique
Collection Facts and figures
Date d'édition 2021/04
Référence Ademe 011529
Nb. de pages 7 P ; 84 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

With 89.3 million international visitors in 2018, France is the world's leading tourist destination. Tourism is a major lever for the country's economy, accounting for 7.4% of GDP in 2018. As a major industry, tourism aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and play a role in influencing the ecological transition. To this end, the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission inventory is the first key step on which to base the sectoral strategy. This report presents for the first time the quantification of GHG emissions from the tourism sector in France. The scope includes both incoming tourism (stays of foreigners in France) and domestic tourism (stays by French people in France). The GHG inventory covers different forms of tourism (tourists and excursionists), pleasure tourism and business tourism. economy, accounting for 7.4% of GDP in 2018. As a major industry, tourism aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and play a role in influencing the ecological transition. To this end, the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission inventory is the first key step on which to base the sectoral strategy. "Total emissions from the tourism sector in France amounted to 118 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2018. This corresponds to the GHG emissions of 11 million French people over a whole year. More than three-quarters of these emissions (77%, or 91 MtCO2e) are generated by transport, of which 68% are round trip transport to the stay destination. It is estimated that the tourism sector accounts for 11% of France's national inventory."

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