How can French agriculture contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Agrandir l'image

How can French agriculture contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

Abatement potential and cost of ten technical measures


As the principal cause of climate change, reducing net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has become a major objective. The agricultural sector will be required to contribute to this objective, along with other economic sectors. But the specific characteristics of agricultural greenhouse gases make them difficult to quantify and control. ADEME (the[…]  Plus de détails

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Fiche technique

Public(s) Bureaux d'études
Thématique Changement climatique
Agriculture, alimentation, forêt, bioéconomie
Collection Hors collection
Éditeur(s) INRA
Date d'édition 2013/07
Nb. de pages 8 P ; 95 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

As the principal cause of climate change, reducing net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has become a major objective. The agricultural sector will be required to contribute to this objective, along with other economic sectors. But the specific characteristics of agricultural greenhouse gases make them difficult to quantify and control. ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency), MAAF (the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry) and MEDDE (the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy) commissioned INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) to conduct a study on the reduction of GHG emissions in the agricultural sector in mainland France. The aim was to determine and analyse ten measures relating to agricultural practices that could potentially help reduce GHG emissions and/or increase carbon storage in soil and biomass. The analysis consisted in estimating the abatement potential of each of these measures and the associated costs and economic savings. The study is likely to be useful for the design and/or refocusing of public policy aimed at reducing GHG emissions in the agricultural sector. A French version is available.

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