Quantifying the impact of action to reduce GHG emissions : Compilation of example sheets Agrandir l'image

Quantifying the impact of action to reduce GHG emissions : Compilation of example sheets



This collection of 'Example Sheets' illustrates implementation of the ADEME method for quantifying the GHG impact of an action to reduce emissions. In fact, whether it is a voluntary or regulatory action through PCE(A)T or BEGES (Territorial Climate Energy Plan and GHG Audit, respectively), most organisations are currently involved in actions[…]  Plus de détails

  • Format électronique

Fiche technique

Auteurs ADEME
Public(s) Bureaux d'études
Entreprises et fédérations professionnelles
Collectivités territoriales
Thématique Changement climatique
Collection Keys to action
Date d'édition 2016/02
Référence Ademe 8889
EAN format numérique 9791029703287
Nb. de pages 220 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue EN
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

This collection of 'Example Sheets' illustrates implementation of the ADEME method for quantifying the GHG impact of an action to reduce emissions. In fact, whether it is a voluntary or regulatory action through PCE(A)T or BEGES (Territorial Climate Energy Plan and GHG Audit, respectively), most organisations are currently involved in actions to reduce GHG emissions as part of a philosophy of ongoing improvement. The ADEME method and this collection of 'Example sheets' seeks to provide organisations with methodological elements to quantify their actions, an essential component for the ongoing improvement of their processes.