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Physical risks and adaptation to climate change for industry - Focus on Transport


The French and European economies are heavily dependent on reliable and efficient transport infrastructure (rail, road, sea/river and air). Many economic activities are linked to the transport sector, including industry, at many points in its value chain. Transport infrastructure is among the services essential for company productivity, and despite its[…]  Plus de détails

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Auteurs ADEME
Public(s) Entreprises et fédérations professionnelles
Thématique Changement climatique et énergie
Mobilité et transport
Collection Clés pour Agir
Date d'édition 2022/10
Nb. de pages 18 P
Format pdf/A4
Langue FR
Périmètre de publication National

En savoir plus

The French and European economies are heavily dependent on reliable and efficient transport infrastructure (rail, road, sea/river and air). Many economic activities are linked to the transport sector, including industry, at many points in its value chain. Transport infrastructure is among the services essential for company productivity, and despite its resilience to certain extreme climate events, it will be threatened by the increased frequency and magnitude of such events caused by climate change. Even a small impact can spread quickly and have significant knock-on effects. This memo aims to present the impacts of climate change on transport, to anticipate them and to adapt accordingly.

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