Milles Installations Energétiques dans les Iles (Thousands of Energy Installations on Islands)
The specific context of island electrical systems serves to speed up the development of Smart Grid projects such as Millener, which specifically aims to provide responses to the key issues of improving the security and reliability of the electricity grid and ensuring the integration of renewable energy sources. Plus de détails
Fiche technique
Auteurs | ADEME |
Public(s) | Secteur de la recherche |
Thématique | Industrie et production durable |
Collection | Ils l'ont fait |
Éditeur(s) | ADEME |
Date d'édition | 2014/02 |
Nb. de pages | 2 P |
Format | pdf/A4 |
Langue | EN |
Thématique IA | Réseaux électriques intelligents |
Financement IA | AAP/AMI |
Périmètre de publication | National |
Régional |
En savoir plus
The specific context of island electrical systems serves to speed up the development of Smart Grid projects such as Millener, which specifically aims to provide responses to the key issues of improving the security and reliability of the electricity grid and ensuring the integration of renewable energy sources.